Onawa Bible Baptist Church
You’re in the right place. This page will answer some of the basic questions you might have about our church. From here, you can also find out how to learn even more.

What Religious Group are you a Part of? 
Onawa Bible Baptist Church is not affiliated with, or under the authority of, any denominational organization. Instead, the Bible is our sole and final authority for all of our decisions regarding belief and practice. In other words, we are a Baptist church that is independent in our authority and fundamental in our doctrine. 
What Are You All About?
We seek to honor God by participating in meaningful, biblical worship services and engaging Bible classes. We seek to help people through our outreach ministries to our local community and mission efforts around the world. 
What Times Do You Meet For Services and Bible Classes? 
We have 4 weekly services. The first is our Sunday morning service, which includes Bible classes for all ages that begin at 10:00 a.m. Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 11:00 a.m. Our Sunday evening service begins at 7:00 p.m., and our mid-week services are Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. (Bible Club/Youth 4 Truth) and Thursday night at 7:00 p.m.
What Should I Expect When I Visit?
At Onawa Bible Baptist Church, we are thrilled to have guests. As soon as you walk through the doors, we believe you will find what so many people love about Onawa Bible Baptist Church—a down-to-earth and genuinely friendly atmosphere. During the services themselves, you can expect to enjoy clear, God-honoring music and fervent, practical preaching. You might be wondering, “What should I wear when visiting Onawa Bible Baptist Church?” While we never apologize for encouraging people to “dress their best” for church, you will find people from all walks of life and backgrounds who feel very much at home at Onawa Bible Baptist Church.
What If I Still Want to Know More?
Feel free to explore our website – you’ll find additional information about the church’s history,  services, Bible classes, ministries, and more!  Again, we are delighted you have chosen to check out our website. We would be thrilled to meet you in person.